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Berkshire Cultural Asset Network



The mission of BCAN is to serve as a professional learning network for the Arts Education and Community Engagement staff members of Berkshire County 501(c)3 arts and cultural organizations. We define culture as going beyond established arts institutions and practices to include the natural resources and diverse creative practices that are essential components of life in Berkshire County.


BCAN uses a three-pronged approach to achieving its mission: network, collaborate, learn.


  • Connect BCAN members to peer organizations and existing networks across Berkshire County, such as:

    • the Superintendents’ Roundtable and

    • the Berkshire Arts Educators Peer Learning Network

  • Serve as a professional learning network for people working in education and engagement with Berkshire County cultural institutions, providing opportunities to explore shared issues, promote educational opportunities and organize peer sharing



  • Encourage Berkshire County cultural organizations to collaborate on the creation of community engagement activities and school programs

  • Develop a process to encourage cultural organizations to partner with other networks
    to create internship and workforce development opportunities for Berkshire County
    public school students

  • Serve as a conduit for pilot programs being developed by the Massachusetts Cultural Council



  • Schedule regular gatherings of organizations to build community, assess progress and develop
    mechanisms for continuous communication and hone regional strategies

  • Provide professional development to enhance skills and explore new ideas and approaches

Make the most of your BCAN membership:

  • Read the weekly e-news! The BCAN e-newsletter is published every Wednesday, and brings information about cultural events taking place in the county, opportunities for collaborative work, and updates about BCAN convenings right to your inbox. The BCAN e-news keeps you informed and aware of what your peer organizations in the Berkshires are doing!

  • Be at the table. The connections you make and networks you build from being part of BCAN come from your continued commitment to joining the conversation. Consistently sharing your voice, thoughts, and your work with the group will allow you to foster stronger relationships with other BCAN members. In other words -- you get out of BCAN what you put in!

  • Ask for what you want to see! We always welcome suggestions for programs and discussions and would be happy to work together to build or facilitate convenings about nearly any topic you feel would benefit your organization and the county.

Sign up for the BCAN e-news!
BCAN is a network for the arts education and community engagement staff of
Berkshire County arts/cultural organizations that are registered 501(c)3s.

Please select the option below that best describes your work at your arts/cultural organization.


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